Body: Be Active
Being physically active makes us feel good and helps our heart. Our body is the engine that powers our wellbeing, and it's designed to move. Physical activities like walking, waltzing or wii-ing can positively influence the way we think, feel and function. Remember that even small amounts of exercise can boost our mental alertness, give us more energy and put us in a good mood. Start WoWing your Body now.
At Mossgate we ...
Have active playtimes with lots of resources available to keep children moving. The Mossgate Parliament frequently consult with the children about the resources they would like and then fundraise to purchase these.
Take part in the Daily Mile which is another opportunity for classes to be active. Classes go out when they need to for a brain break and chance to exercise by running laps of our running track.
Offer a myriad of extra-curricular clubs which change termly and typically run for a block of ten sessions. Active clubs include dance, korfball, athletics, football and more.
Encourage active journeys to school. We regularly take part in national initiatives like the Big Walk & Wheel and others.