Values & Vision
Mossgate's Values
It is our values that determine our thinking and behaviour. The ethos of our school is built upon our core values of kindness, respect, courtesy, honesty, responsibility and courage. Our six school values are reinforced through our school expectations which all staff refer to these when speaking to children about their behaviour and attitude to learning.
1. We show kindness to all.
2. We are responsible in everything we do.
3. We respect others and property.
4. We are honest.
5. We are courteous to all.
6. We use courage to challenge ourselves and others.
Every class has a Golden Book and when children are 'spotted' using their values by staff and other children, their names are entered into their class Golden Book and read out in our weekly celebration assembly every Friday.
Our values are addressed directly through lessons, assemblies and across the whole curriculum. Each half term we focus on a particular value which we share through our newsletters and also celebrate with a display in the school hall. We learn to understand what the values looks like and how we can demonstrate the value: in the way we behave, in our attitude towards each other and in our learning.
Vision & Mission
Our Vision & Mission underpin all we do at Mossgate and are reviewed with staff, governors, parents and children on a regular basis.
Our last major review was carried out during the Autumn term of 2022. Senior leaders and Governors reviewed during the Spring term of 2024.
Updated: 2025 RS