
At Mossgate we want to develop a love of learning through a curriculum that is engaging, broad, balanced and based on the development and application of knowledge and skills. We work hard to ensure lessons interest children, stimulate their imagination and develop independence and creativity. All teaching and learning is supported by a group of dedicated and skilled teaching assistants.


Children are grouped into three stages:

- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are children aged 4 – 5 (Reception)

- National Curriculum Key Stage 1 are children aged 5 – 7 (Infants)

- National Curriculum Key Stage 2 are children aged 8 – 11 (Juniors) 


National Curriculum

The school curriculum contributes to the spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and cultural development of the child. The National Curriculum is followed by all pupils of statutory school age and may be integrated with other subjects, as appropriate, through a topic or taught discretely. National Curriculum subjects are divided into core and foundation subjects.


- Core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science.

- Foundation subjects: Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Design & Technology, Physical Education and Modern Foreign Language (French).

- Other curriculum areas: Religious Education, Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education and Citizenship (PSHEC) which includes Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.


Our website also provides information about the curriculum for each year group and each subject, along with related policies. Don’t forget to access our school Facebook page to get the latest updates on the exciting learning taking place


Educational Visits

Educational visits extend and enhance the learning opportunities available to the children. The school aims to provide a variety of experiences outside the school environment, including educational, cultural or leisure activities. A variety of residential visits are also offered to pupils throughout their time at Mossgate in KS2 which is part of our planned Curriculum Enrichment programme.


It is the policy of the school to ask for voluntary contributions towards the cost of some visits. The school will try to run all proposed visits, however, if there is little parental support, it will mean visits have to be cancelled. In cases of real financial difficulties, parents should discuss the matter with the Headteacher. Flexible arrangements for making contributions can also be organised.


Updated: 2025 RS 


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