
"Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."

Marie Curie


At Mossgate we want to stimulate the minds of our young scientists and deepen their understanding of the world around them. Children will learn about the significant contribution science has made in the past, its significance in our lives today and its importance in meeting the challenges of the future. We want to create the next generation of scientists who will contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation and wider world.


As scientists, we want our children to:

  • be curious and excited about the world around them
  • explore the significant contribution science has made in the past
  • generate, investigate and answer scientific questions
  • develop self-confidence, independence and collaboration
  • know and understand the world by studying biology, chemistry and physics
  • understand how science can be used to explain, predict and analyse
  • develop our children’s understanding of the international and collaborative nature of science in solving global challenges such as disease, climate change and food availability
  • foster concern about and respect for living things and the environment
  • understand how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle
  • prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world
  • inspire children to study science further


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Year 1 naming and comparing body parts. 

Year 3 applying their learning about plants to grow their own produce for use in D&T when creating soups.

Year 4 choosing appropriate equipment and investigating effect of different liquids on teeth.

Year 6 exploring and observing how muscles contract and relax .


We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, scientific skills and positive attitudes. Through our science curriculum, the children will acquire and develop key knowledge and scientific skills through each unit so that understanding is developed and deepened over their time at Mossgate and beyond.


As scientists, children learn to work scientifically through every unit and have opportunities to conduct experiments and complete fair tests so they can deepen their scientific knowledge and understanding. These important learning opportunities allow our children to predict, observe, identify, classify, measure, record, compare, answer, analyse, explain, present and conclude


We want children to leave Mossgate with a good understanding of nutrition and diet, healthy lifestyles and basic cooking skills. We grow our own produce in the school grounds, harvest them and use them in our cooking lessons in D&T.


Throughout our curriculum, we plan for purposeful opportunities for children to apply their skills developed in other curriculum areas like Maths, D&T, Computing, PSHCE and English.


When teaching science, teachers foster a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving in science. 


Mrs S Elwers - Science Subject Leader

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