Inclusion & SEND
At Mossgate Primary School, we have an inclusive culture and believe in ‘Working together to achieve success’ for all pupils within our care. We are committed to meeting the special educational needs and disabilities of all pupils and ensuring that they make good progress and reach their full potential.
As a school, we work hard to ensure:
- We identify pupils with SEND as early as possible.
- Children with SEND get the support they need.
- Children with SEND engage in activities alongside those students who do not have SEND.
- We identify pupils of all ability who are underachieving, act upon this and support pupils to make optimum progress.
- We provide training, support and advice for all staff working with children who have SEND.
- We develop partnerships with parents/ carers and involve them, along with the child, in the assessment, planning and reviewing stage.
Our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report are reviewed and updated annually and can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. You will also see on this page the following ‘At a Glance’ documents:
- Our Graduated Response – The Mossgate Continuum
- A Graduated Approach – Examples of provision
- A Glossary of SEND Terminology
If you have any questions orwould like further help or support, please contact Mrs Boswell (SENDCo) or Mrs Taylor (Deputy Headteacher & Inclusion Leader) through the school office.
Updated: 2025 RS