Last term, we consulted on our plans to open a school-based nursery following approval from the LA. Just before Christmas, we submitted our plans to the Department for Education to request funding to enable to make a number of modifcations to existing space in school with the view to opening during the 2025/2026 academic year.
As soon as we know more, we will update this page.
Rationale for our school-based nursery
In recent years, governors at Mossgate Primary School have discussed the idea of extending the school to include a school based nursery, but the cost of doing so has been a barrier. Recently, the DFE announced new funding to enable schools to develop their existing building to open school based nurseries, and this has allowed us to formalise our plans. The deadline for DFE funding applications is the 19th December 2024.
We believe a school based nursery will benefit Mossgate Primary School for the following reasons:
- Improved transition from Nursery to Reception because staff in school will know the children earlier.
- Consistent approach to the curriculum and teaching from Nursery so that in Reception, we know the children and what has been previously taught,which maximises the progress of every child.
- Capitalise on expertise in school of our Reception teachers, teaching assistants, SENDCo and others.
- Early identification of SEND, and other needs, which can be subsequently addressed earlier and appropriate support arranged.
- Time currently spent contacting different private nurseries can be focused on supporting children with their learning and transition into Reception.
- Developing strong and effective parental links from the earliest possible opportunity.
- Ease of access for families who already know and trust the school.
- Ensuring that the Reception intake, every September, continues to be full with 30 children. This ensures the school receives the necessary funding for teachers, teaching assistants and resources, which in turn benefits the whole school community.
- Current and prospective families have expressed a desire for a school led nursery with a teacher.
Our plans for a school-based nursery
Currently, our school-based nursery would be:
- Ideally, open for 3 and 4 year olds.
- Led by Mrs Booth, who is a Leading Foundation Stage Teacher (LFST) for Lancashire County Council, with a qualified teacher teaching the nursery children. (Mrs Booth would lead and manage the nursery and Reception classes and have responsibility for the curriculum, teaching and staffing.)
- Term-time only and operate within the school day and parents would be able to access our wraparound childcare.
- Part of Mossgate Primary School with nursery children being involved in the life of Mossgate Primary School.
Updated: January 2025