Data Protection & Privacy

Information collated from the Pupil Information and Data Collection forms is stored electronically in school. The information is treated as confidential and can be only used by members of staff who are given permission by the Headteacher. We also share pupil information when necessary with relevant organisations and partners which includes: Department for Education, Lancashire County Council, NHS and other health related agencies, online learning platforms, high schools etc. 


Under the Act, and in accordance with GDPR, the information held by schools about their pupils must only be used for specific purposes. Schools are required to write to parents/pupils to tell them about the types of data held, why it is held and to whom it may be passed. This is referred to as a 'Privacy Notice'.


Our School Workforce Privacy Notice is also available to download which covers staff, volunteers and governors. 


For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, schools are known as Data Controllers. They collect, receive and hold personal data about their pupils. Our Data Protction Policy can be downloaded. 


Updated: 2025 RS

Files to Download