Planet: Care
Looking after the planet is a good thing. It's also very easy to make small changes that will make a big difference to our environment, especially if everyone plays their part. It can sometimes feel like a hopeless task, but small positive changes like an active journey to school, switching off a light or device on standby and turning off taps sooner can make a big difference.
At Mossgate we...
Have installed solar panels and teach children about simple ways to save energy in school and at home.
Continue to develop the biodiversity of our school site to support wildlife.
Recycle paper, card, batteries and pens.
Changed our milk provider to the local milkman to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Compost our fruit waste and use this in our raised beds.
Encourage active journeys to schools.
Have changed our glue-sticks and whiteboard pens to refillable options to reduce on waste.
Visit our Sustainability page to find out more about our work.