Remote Education
During the pandemic, we worked incredibly hard to provide a high quality remote education to support our children and families. This hard work was evident in the incredibly positive feedback we received from parents in our questionnaire which you can read by downloading the 'Remote Learning Questionnaire Results' at the bottom of this page.
Depending on the number of children absent, or the restrictions in place, we will provide two levels of support with remote education:
1. Individuals - teachers will still be teaching the majority of their class so will set activities linked to our curriculum using Oak Academy materials. Please refer to the document 'Y2 & KS2 Self-Isolating Remote Learning' at the bottom of this page which will reflect the type of information you will receive.
2. Year groups or whole school - teachers will be working from home and can direct all of their time and effort into supporting high quality learning at home. Please refer to the document 'Mossgate Remote Learning Provision' at the bottom of this page which will reflect the type of information you will receive.
Information will be sent to parents by email or School Spider message and we will also arrange for any stationery and reading books you may need.
If you have any questions, or want to know more information about our remote learning / education, pleas contact the headteacher by phone (850736), private FB message or email (
Updated: 2025 RS